Der Chatraum #bitcoin-lightning vom IRC-Netz Libera.Chat wurde am 2021-07-01 registriert und der Kategorie Bitcoin Chaträume zugeordnet. Die Registrierung des Chatraums erfolgte aufgrund von Web-Anfragen.
Chatraum - 29 Benutzer -
vor 134 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: Development of
Bitcoin; This is for discussion about the
Bitcoin network and software directly using it between developers. | https://en. | This channel is logged. | There is no from address | No altcoin or end-user support | Tell us what you're trying to do, not how you're trying to do it.
Kategorie: Bitcoin Entwicklung -
Netz: freenode
Chatraum - 6 Benutzer -
vor 134 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: To edit the wiki, request edit privileges here (you MUST specify your username EXPLICITLY.) If you edit spam into the wiki you will be banned.. Please be patient with manual approvals, it may take a day or two. | https://en.
Kategorie: Bitcoin -
Netz: freenode
Chatraum - 14 Benutzer -
vor 134 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: To edit the wiki, request edit privileges here (you MUST specify your username EXPLICITLY.) If you edit spam into the wiki you will be banned.. Please be patient with manual approvals, it may take a day or two. | https://en.
Kategorie: Bitcoin -
Netz: Libera.Chat
Chatraum - 6 Benutzer -
vor 133 Minuten -
aktuelles Topic: Bitcoin, altcoin, and blockchain discussion. || Get an irc bouncer or stop trying. || charts: or || Yes, people live here. ||
Bitcoin basics:
Kategorie: Bitcoin -
Netz: AnonOps