#cinema Coders-IRC - Kino Chat

Dies ist ein kleiner Bericht über den Chatraum #cinema, einem IRC Channel im Netz Coders-IRC. Sofern der IRC Channel bereits etwas länger registriert ist und von seinen Administratoren nicht als privat oder sogar als geheim gekennzeichnet wurde, enthält der Bericht die Besucherzahlen und Chat-Themen der letzten Tage und Wochen. Mit Hilfe des Links zum Online Chat, wirst du zu irc2go.com weitergeleitet.

 Verwandte Suchbegriffe:  books (61)   cinema (29)   videos (53)   radio (746)  

Der Chatraum #cinema vom IRC-Netz Coders-IRC wurde am 2023-09-02 registriert und der Kategorie Kino Chaträume zugeordnet. Die Registrierung des Chatraums erfolgte aufgrund hoher Besucherzahlen.

#cinema Coders-IRC - Diagramm über die Anzahl an Benutzern während der letzten Woche

Online Chat

bis, von Thema
[#Cinema - Your home of entertainment.] "Save the clock tower!" Welcome to a place where you can discuss films and tv shows. $imdb <Movie/TV Show> -- To show a movie or tv show description. or... $tv <tv show> - To display information about a tv show, such as last episode, and when the next episode will be. | RIP Matthew Perry
[#Cinema - Your home of entertainment.] "Save the clock tower!" Welcome to a place where you can discuss films and tv shows. $imdb <Movie/TV Show> -- To show a movie or tv show description. or... $tv <tv show> - To display information about a tv show, such as last episode, and when the next episode will be. | RIP Matthew Perry
[#Cinema - Your home of entertainment.] "Save the clock tower!" Welcome to a place where you can discuss films and tv shows. $imdb <Movie/TV Show> -- To show a movie or tv show description. or... $tv <tv show> - To display information about a tv show, such as last episode, and when the next episode will be.
[#Cinema - Your home of entertainment.] "Save the clock tower!" Welcome to a place where you can discuss films and tv shows. $imdb <Movie/TV Show> -- To show a movie or tv show description. or... $tv <tv show> - To display information about a tv show, such as last episode, and when the next episode will be.
[#Cinema - Your home of entertainment.] "Save the clock tower!" Welcome to a place where you can discuss films and tv shows. $imdb <Movie/TV Show> -- To show a movie or tv show description. or... $tv <tv show> - To display information about a tv show, such as last episode, and when the next episode will be.

Weitere Kino Chaträume

#cinema IRC-Nerds

Chatraum - 135 Benutzer - vor 109 Minuten - aktuelles Topic: [#Cinema - Your home of entertainment.] "Save the clock tower!" Welcome to a place where you can discuss films and tv shows. $imdb <Movie/TV Show> -- To show a movie or tv show description. or... $tv <tv show> - To display information about a tv show, such as last episode, and when the next episode will be. | RIP Matthew Perry
Kategorie: Kino - Netz: IRC-Nerds  -  irc2go: #cinema

##cinema Libera.Chat

Chatraum - 42 Benutzer - vor 123 Minuten - aktuelles Topic: Welcome to ##cinema talk about movies and stuff | .imdb movietitle | No spoilers, please! † RIP Martin Mull b.1944 | Donald Sutherland b.1935 | Anouk Aimée b.1932 | Françoise Hardy b.1944 | Fred Roos b.1935 | Dabney Coleman b.1932 | Roger Corman b.1926 | Jeannie Epper b.1940 | Bernard Hill b.1944 | Louis Gossett Jr. b.1936 | Grant Page b.1939
Kategorie: Kino - Netz: Libera.Chat  -  irc2go: ##cinema

#cinema Libera.Chat

Chatraum - 6 Benutzer - vor 123 Minuten - aktuelles Topic: [#Cinema - Your home of entertainment.] "Save the clock tower!" Welcome to a place where you can discuss films and tv shows. $imdb <Movie/TV Show> -- To show a movie or tv show description. or... $tv <tv show> - To display information about a tv show, such as last episode, and when the next episode will be.
Kategorie: Kino - Netz: Libera.Chat  -  irc2go: #cinema

#cinema Azzurra

Chatraum - 2 Benutzer - vor 121 Minuten - aktuelles Topic: Canale dedicato al Cinema. Al grande, al piccolo schermo e alla cinematografia di ogni genere, recente, vintage e seriale. La discussione (argomentata) è benvenuta. I gusti altrui si rispettano. Chi ha passione, CONDIVIDA. Buon divertimento! || NON per file sharing || Esistono film che non esistono
Kategorie: Kino - Netz: Azzurra  -  irc2go: #cinema

#cinema Rizon

Chatraum - 5 Benutzer - vor 123 Minuten - aktuelles Topic: [#nerds] [420 friendly] Welcome to #Cinema. Lets talk movies, tv shows. Lets talk cinema.
Kategorie: Kino - Netz: Rizon  -  irc2go: #cinema

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