SohbetBurada Channels

IRC network SohbetBurada was registered on in November 2022. Since that time our data collector regularly connects IRC network SohbetBurada to determine its key performance indicators, such as its number of users and its number of chat rooms (IRC channels). On this occasion a list of visible (not private) chat rooms is requested too.

During last connections to SohbetBurada its servers reported an average of 440 users and 91 chat rooms. Use the following menu to get more information about IRC network SohbetBurada!

Search for chat rooms returned a total of 64 matching results.  Displaying 11-20...

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#Kelime SohbetBurada

Chat Room - 255 users - 38 minutes ago - current topic: Top 10: iki-L 4000010, SessizLik 3060000, PyBs 2682250, LidyA 2313470, Ege 2128000, Mru 1255400, Uflenti 1221490, Axy 1105640, SORGUCULAR 1004980, yynnii 707330
network: SohbetBurada

#BizimMekan SohbetBurada

Chat Room - 255 users - 38 minutes ago - current topic: Üstada sormuþlar herþeyi kaybettik ne yapacaðýz.Üstad:Çay koy yeniden baþlayacaðýzz..
network: SohbetBurada

#OXM SohbetBurada

Chat Room - 255 users - 38 minutes ago - current topic: 1.Gunahkar 2075760 2.narin 2064430 3.olivin 1188480
network: SohbetBurada

#muhabbet SohbetBurada

Chat Room - 220 users - 38 minutes ago - current topic: Insan #Muhabbet Duyduðu Kiþinin Kaderinden Pay ALýr
network: SohbetBurada

#ircrehberi SohbetBurada

Chat Room - 10 users - 38 minutes ago - current topic:  Resmi Forum Sitemiz Kendisini IRCREHBERI yoneticisi olarak tanýtýp sizden þifrelerinizi isteyenlere itibar etmeyiniz.. Özel bilgilerinizi, þifre ve mail adreslerinizi kimseyle paylaþmayýnýz..
category: IRC - network: SohbetBurada

#OperHELP SohbetBurada

Chat Room - 8 users - 38 minutes ago - current topic: SOYLE.NET resmi yardým kanalýmýza hoþgeldiniz.. Kanalýmýzda nick/kanal/þifre/xline/IRCd/services sorunlarýnýz hakkýnda yardým verilmekte olup, yardým görevlilerinin size voice (+) vermelerini bekleyiniz.. Þikayetler için log gösterilmesi zorunludur..
network: SohbetBurada

#webmaster SohbetBurada

Chat Room - 7 users - 38 minutes ago - current topic:  Yeni Nesil Toplist Sitesi :
category: Website Design - network: SohbetBurada

#Chat SohbetBurada

Chat Room - 6 users - 38 minutes ago - current topic: Kaderin önüne 'geçemezsin.
category: Chat - network: SohbetBurada

#DJ SohbetBurada

Chat Room - 6 users - 38 minutes ago - current topic: Arkadaþlar çift saat yayýn kuralýmýza dikkat edelim 14,16 gibi ve yayýn alacaðýmýz saatin 15 dk öncesinde DJ'de olalým.. 20 ve 02 saatleri arasýnda anonslu djlerimize öncelik verilecek.
network: SohbetBurada

#Galatasaray SohbetBurada

Chat Room - 5 users - 38 minutes ago - current topic:  C¤ Þu Garip Dünyada Anlaþýlmaz Ömrümüz, #GALATASARAY 'dan Baþkasýný Sevmez Gönlümüz.. C¤
category: Galatasaray Istanbul - network: SohbetBurada
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