Orixon Channels

IRC network Orixon was registered on netsplit.de in July 2022. Since that time our data collector regularly connects IRC network Orixon to determine its key performance indicators, such as its number of users and its number of chat rooms (IRC channels). On this occasion a list of visible (not private) chat rooms is requested too.

During last connections to Orixon its servers reported an average of 767 users and 194 chat rooms. Use the following menu to get more information about IRC network Orixon!

Search for chat rooms returned a total of 143 matching results.  Displaying 21-30...

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#Club30 Orixon

Chat Room - 15 users - 107 minutes ago - No topic
network: Orixon

#Romania Orixon

Chat Room - 15 users - 107 minutes ago - No topic
category: Romania - network: Orixon

#lafebbre Orixon

Chat Room - 15 users - 107 minutes ago - current topic: Benvenuti a tutti coloro che vivono di passioni, che vivono serenamente il loro tempo, senza opprimere il prossimo - ascolta Radio Febbre, lascia un commento e resta aggiornato sui prossimi eventi su https://www.lafebbre.ch - https://radiofebbre.lastanza.chat
network: Orixon

#severin Orixon

Chat Room - 15 users - 107 minutes ago - current topic:  w e l c o m e
network: Orixon

#carpediem Orixon

Chat Room - 15 users - 107 minutes ago - current topic: So che ci sei , la tua voce risuona in tutti noi, benvenuti amici di venerenera
network: Orixon

#Italy Orixon

Chat Room - 14 users - 107 minutes ago - No topic
category: Italy - network: Orixon

#Alina Orixon

Chat Room - 14 users - 107 minutes ago - No topic
network: Orixon

#craiova Orixon

Chat Room - 14 users - 107 minutes ago - No topic
category: Craiova - network: Orixon

#chatro Orixon

Chat Room - 14 users - 107 minutes ago - current topic:  Un canal pentru romanii de pretutindeni -( http://radio.chatro.ro:8050 )
category: Romania - network: Orixon

#atomic Orixon

Chat Room - 14 users - 107 minutes ago - No topic
category: Atom - network: Orixon
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