IRC network Chatzona was registered on in July 2017. Since that time our data collector regularly connects IRC network Chatzona to determine its key performance indicators, such as its number of users and its number of chat rooms (IRC channels). On this occasion a list of visible (not private) chat rooms is requested too.
During last connections to Chatzona its servers reported an average of 6502 users and 648 chat rooms. Use the following menu to get more information about IRC network Chatzona!
Chat Room - 151 users -
55 minutes ago -
current topic: [+CHNTfnrt 10:1h *4:3] Bienvenidos a #CHAT Prohibido temas sobre: Sexo, Ventas, Drogas, Flood, Spam, Politica,Religion, Insultos, Peleas, Redes Sociales, Telefonos. Respeten a los @. Evitar hacer flood, Repetir, Escribir en ingles.
category: Chat -
network: Chatzona
Chat Room - 123 users -
55 minutes ago -
current topic: [+CEHSdfnrt 2:3 15:1h 20 *3:4] Bienvenid@s a #Cali Canal de Amistad. Atencion: No es Una Sala de Sexo. Esta Prohibido: Temas de Politica, Religion y Futbol, Repetir, Utilizar Mayusculas, Spam, Flood, Brindar Datos Personales, Redes Sociales, Pedir u Ofrecer Dinero, Faltar al Respeto.
category: Cali -
network: Chatzona
Chat Room - 117 users -
55 minutes ago -
current topic: Topic Bienvenidos a #sevilla Queda totalmente Prohibido hacer Spam [salas,emails,webs] Flood [repetir] Insultos/Faltar respeto, escribir en Mayúsculas usar, Colores fuertes de texto [dibujos adornos] así como las temáticas de Sexo/Cam y Drogas. Deseamos que te diviertas.
category: Seville -
network: Chatzona