Windows 8 Chat Rooms

Search chat rooms within the Internet Relay Chat and get informed about their users and topics! – Chat rooms on IRC are usually called channels. Use this IRC search engine to search in channel names and topics of around 500 IRC networks! Find interesting chat rooms and chat with people that share your interests!

 Related queries:  windows 10 (18)   windows 98 (3)   windows help (17)   microsoft windows (7)   windows support (14)  

Search for Windows 8 chat rooms returned a total of 121 matching results.  Displaying 41-50...

#radiolibre IRC-Hispano

Chat Room - 3 users - current topic: Emitiendo: AuToMaTiCo Escuchal@ >> Abre tu Winamp, pulsa CTRL + L y pon: Windows Media y pulsa CTRL + U y pon: < ----Si No Te Funciona Clikea En La Direccion. Si tienes algun problema pega la direcc
category: Radio - network: IRC-Hispano

##rtlsdr Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 194 users - 40 minutes ago - current topic: Low-cost SDR - - - - Try & on Linux & on Windows
category: RTL-SDR - network: Libera.Chat

#jason761 RenCorner

Chat Room - 2 users - current topic: List of things bananed from respecting: 2015, Windows 8, Apple, Facebook, cr0sis, Windows 10, Anything, tablet, Valve, football, 750p resolution, straight phones, isis, sepp blatter, steve trading cards, Volkswagens, Cunin, Coronavirus - Countdown to 2021: 0
network: RenCorner

##win31 Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 41 users - 40 minutes ago - current topic: Welcome to ##win31. Windows 3.x, DOS and compatible hardware chat. | Links List of Windows 3.x and 9x ports: | <mcj> When u NOR and she keep F00Fing | <PROGMAN> I heard someone was dragging my name through the mud.
network: Libera.Chat

##windows-please-register freenode

Chat Room - 9 users - 40 minutes ago - No topic
category: Microsoft Windows - network: freenode

##windows-wsl freenode

Chat Room - 6 users - 40 minutes ago - No topic
category: Microsoft Windows - network: freenode

#Windows DarkWorld

Chat Room - 2 users - 35 minutes ago - No topic
category: Microsoft Windows - network: DarkWorld

#ansible-windows freenode

Chat Room - 3 users - 40 minutes ago - No topic
category: Ansible Microsoft Windows - network: freenode

#windows Aitvaras

Chat Room - 3 users - 40 minutes ago - No topic
category: Microsoft Windows - network: Aitvaras
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