Chat Rooms

Search chat rooms within the Internet Relay Chat and get informed about their users and topics! – Chat rooms on IRC are usually called channels. Use this IRC search engine to search in channel names and topics of around 500 IRC networks! Find interesting chat rooms and chat with people that share your interests!

 Related queries:  blogspot (50)   war of galaxy (101)   runescape (9)   wikipedia (266)   paypal (14)  

Search for wikipedia smashdown chat rooms returned a total of 266 matching results.  Displaying 31-40...

#wikipedia-ko Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 7 users - 94 minutes ago - current topic: 한국어 위키백과 — | 대화 전에 를 읽어 주세요. | 개인정보를 공개된 장소에서 논의하지 마세요.
category: Wikipedia - network: Libera.Chat

#wikipedia-ne Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 8 users - 94 minutes ago - current topic: Nepali Wikipedia - | CabalBot reports recent changes and logs | CabalBot commands available at | 31,553+ articles!
category: Wikipedia - network: Libera.Chat

#wikipedia-nl Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 17 users - 94 minutes ago - current topic: Welkom op de chat van de Nederlandstalige Wikipedia | Blijf herkenbaar via uw gebruikersnaam op Wikipedia | Publiceren/verspreiden van chatlogs niet toegestaan | *DRINGEND* moderatorhulp nodig? Typ !mod + verzoek
category: Wikipedia Netherlands - network: Libera.Chat

#wikipedia-pl Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 9 users - 94 minutes ago - current topic: Witamy na kanale IRC polskiej Wikipedii | | Zadaj pytanie i poczekaj na odpowiedź | Grupa na Telegramie: | Serwer discord:
category: Wikipedia Poland - network: Libera.Chat

#wikipedia-pt Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 15 users - 94 minutes ago - current topic: Wikipédia - || Para ajuda: "!admin + seu pedido"
category: Wikipedia Portugal - network: Libera.Chat

#wikipedia-ru Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 7 users - 94 minutes ago - current topic: UTF-8 | Канал русской Википедии: | Feel free to speak English | Присоединяйтесь к [[ВП:Discord]]
category: Wikipedia Russia - network: Libera.Chat

#wikipedia-sr Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 10 users - 94 minutes ago - current topic: Добро дошли на IRC канал Википедије на српском језику! D:D | Посетите:Главна_страна | Скорашње измене: irc:// | Викимедија Србије:
category: Wikipedia - network: Libera.Chat

#wikipedia-tr Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 6 users - 94 minutes ago - current topic: Özgür Ansiklopedi Türkçe Vikipedi'nin resmî IRC kanalına hoş geldiniz! | | IRC günlüklerini Vikipedi dâhil herhangi bir ortamda yayımlamak yasaktır! | Telegram: | Vikipedi'nin vandalizm ile mücadele kanalı: #cvn-wp-tr | Acil yardım: !hizmetli + <istek> | Urgent help: !hizmetli + <request>
category: Wikipedia - network: Libera.Chat

#wikipedia-zh-acg Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 10 users - 94 minutes ago - current topic: 中文維基百科ACG專題 IRC頻道 | 如有其他關於維基相關媒體之疑問,可前往其他維基媒體相關IRC頻道。 | 中文維基百科#wikipedia-zh | 中文維基百科幫助#wikipedia-zh-help | 維基百科#wikipedia | 維基媒體基金#wikimedia
category: Wikipedia - network: Libera.Chat
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