Search for Vim chat rooms returned a total of 18 matching results. Displaying 11-18...
Chat Room - 2 users -
current topic: Vim 8.1 released! http://www. https://www.
vim-8.1-released.php |
vim/tutorials/ видеогайды про
vim на английском, для новичков и не только
category: Vim -
network: RusNet
Chat Room - 11 users -
66 minutes ago -
current topic: #Slash :: #chat #debian #dennis #florida #freenode #idlerpg #ircnow #irpg #irssi #linux #mIRC #nasa #nax #nginx #openwrt #pfsense #raspberrypi #root #shitpost #sweden #thelounge #torrents #
vim #vps #znc ::
network: freenode
Chat Room - 10 users -
66 minutes ago -
current topic: All "vi" variants. (Except for
Vim and its clones, please see #
vim #neo
vim and #evil-mode for these.)
network: Libera.Chat