UTF-8 Chat Rooms

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Search for UTF-8 chat rooms returned a total of 58 matching results.  Displaying 1-10...

#japanese.utf8 Rizon

Chat Room - 40 users - 143 minutes ago - current topic: jBot is here in UTF8! - Visit our website for encoding help: http://www.japanese-irc.net/index.php/Channel:Encoding
category: Japan UTF-8 - network: Rizon  -  irc2go: #japanese.utf8

#help WeNet

Chat Room - 45 users - current topic: Официальный канал помощи по IRC сети WeNet. На канале запрещены разговоры не по теме (оффтопик), мат, флуд, выделение шрифтами, /me и скрипты. Сайт и правила канала: http://www.wenet.su/help | UTF-8 >> /server irc.wenet.ru:6677 | Другие серверы сети: irc.erft.ru , irc.deepforestmusic.ru , us.wenet.su
network: WeNet  -  irc2go: #help

#openmw Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 35 users - 143 minutes ago - current topic: https://openmw.org/ || Latest release: 0.48 https://openmw.org/downloads/ || Rules: https://rentry.co/omw_rules || https://gitlab.com/OpenMW/openmw/issues || https://forum.openmw.org/ || For error logs etc. please use: http://pastie.org/ || Command to see other OpenMW-related channels: /msg alis list #openmw* || This channel uses UTF-8. If “Ω” doesn’t appear Greek, fix your client
network: Libera.Chat  -  irc2go: #openmw

#absolinux Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 11 users - 143 minutes ago - current topic: "Bienvenue sur ce chan (en utf-8) lié à http://www.absolinux.net où vous pouvez vous inscrire également. Linuxiens débutants ou confirmés, posez ici vos questions sur GNU/Linux ou sur Unix. Merci de coller vos sorties écran sur https://lutim.skippythekangoo.ovh ou vos lignes de code sur https://privatebin.skippythekangoo.ovh et de respecter les règles courantes de bon sens."
category: Linux - network: Libera.Chat  -  irc2go: #absolinux

#alcool freenode

Chat Room - 2 users - 143 minutes ago - current topic: Qui usiamo UTF-8 | http://www.salvatoremarino.net/ | aptitude show cycle | È tutto una ruota che gira... | <peppe> io ho un bellissimo culo a mandolino <peppe> joshua ne va pazzo <joshua-> "amandolini" prego... sono ALMENO cinque messi in fila | qui non si scrive in olandese | qui non si scrive | http://youtube.com/?v=6mYYIZCDaOw | <@joshua-> no, io non fancazzeggio più.
network: freenode  -  irc2go: #alcool

#speakjapanese Rizon

Chat Room - 2 users - 143 minutes ago - current topic: ...::: Welcome to #speakjapanese. This is the only English you will see here. Type !rules to understand them. Type !help for help. UTF8 encoding and Japanese speaking ONLY in here. To get help with Japanese IN English join #learnjapanese. Scheduled lessons on #japaneselessons. Feel free to private message in English for Japanese help じゃ、これから頑張ってくだ
category: Japan - network: Rizon  -  irc2go: #speakjapanese

#gentoo-vdr Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 5 users - 143 minutes ago - current topic: Discussion about the Gentoo VDR Project | Homepage: http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/desktop/video/vdr/ | Guide: http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/vdr-guide.xml | Wiki: http://www.vdr-wiki.de/wiki/index.php/Gentoo | Our Bugs: http://tinyurl.com/7mq89j7 | (wget)Paste: http://dpaste.com/ | Charset: UTF-8 | Channel languages: English,German
category: Gentoo - network: Libera.Chat  -  irc2go: #gentoo-vdr

#raw-providers(rus) Rizon

Chat Room - 12 users - 143 minutes ago - current topic: UTF-8 only || NO XDCC || Any questions regarding SOFCJ-Raws releases should be addressed to SOFCJ directly || ✞ Помним, но не скорбим: Vizor, Yousei, hotFlash, Monk, Daniel_Lind, tp7, Eldar, zeros12390, moodperson, Devil-JIN ✞ "Носферату, хранитель бесполезности"(с)
category: Internet Services - network: Rizon  -  irc2go: #raw-providers(rus)

#ubuntu-tw Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 7 users - 143 minutes ago - current topic: Ubuntu-TW 正體中文使用者社群 http://ubuntu-tw.org | UTC+8, UTF-8 | LP http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tw | Ubuntu 行為規範 http://0rz.tw/S4FNg | Hackpad https://ubuntu-tw.hackpad.com/ | logs at irclogs.ubuntu.com | Use of this channel implies acceptance of the terms https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/TermsOfService
category: Ubuntu - network: Libera.Chat  -  irc2go: #ubuntu-tw

#☃ hackint

Chat Room - 20 users - 131 minutes ago - current topic: your client supports utf8 channel names, yay. | known good: weechat, pidgin, hexchat, quassel >= 0.13, AdiIRC (wtf?), TheLounge, catgirl, senpai, soju, ZNC, goguma, eggdrop (TCL_UTF_MAX 6), Revolution IRC, biboumi, matrix-appservice-irc (maybe?) | known bad: quassel < 0.13, eggdrop (TCL_UTF_MAX 4), heisenbridge
network: hackint  -  irc2go: #☃
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