Search for students poland chat rooms returned a total of 25 matching results. Displaying 11-20...
Chat Room - 1 users -
34 minutes ago -
current topic: Kurwa is highly specialized technical term, covering full range of work aspects | Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate | I gladly wish everybody else a merry Christmas, if a merry Christmas is what they insist upon. I'm not that particular, though i'll settle for a relaxed Christmas.
category: Poland -
network: MindForge
Chat Room - 25 users -
47 minutes ago -
current topic: The German-speaking community on Rizon | Bring your friends | All kinds of discussion and talk allowed | Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein and South Tyrol | Guests and
students of the German language also welcome | Please connect securely and tick the beautiful little SSL box :3
category: Germany -
network: Rizon
Chat Room - 1 users -
47 minutes ago -
current topic: OpenStreetMap GSoC channel | Be patient, we will reply | Don't ask to ask, just ask. | Channel dedicated to help GSoC
students who are seeking for help on a project idea | Find project ideas here:
category: OpenStreetMap Google -
network: OFTC
Chat Room - 9 users -
47 minutes ago -
current topic: Current: 1.3.0 | Development: 1.3.1 | Slic3r is an open source toolpath generator for 3D printers | | | Automated 1.3.1-dev builds: | GSoC
students: ask and wait. | There's no place like G28.
network: Libera.Chat