Chat Rooms

Search chat rooms within the Internet Relay Chat and get informed about their users and topics! – Chat rooms on IRC are usually called channels. Use this IRC search engine to search in channel names and topics of around 500 IRC networks! Find interesting chat rooms and chat with people that share your interests!

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Search for star wars rats chat rooms returned a total of 73 matching results.  Displaying 1-10...

#cod4.wars QuakeNet

Chat Room - 16 users - 152 minutes ago - current topic: Welcome to #cod4.wars, your place for almost everything about Call of Duty! Take part in a CoD war and do not spam or advertise!
category: CoD4 Computer Games - network: QuakeNet  -  irc2go: #cod4.wars

#star DALnet

Chat Room - 3 users - 151 minutes ago - current topic: star
category: tar - network: DALnet  -  irc2go: #star

#editor-wars freenode

Chat Room - 2 users - 152 minutes ago - current topic: what's your favorite editor and why? hate an editor? -- tell us what put the twist in your knickers.
category: Text Editors - network: freenode  -  irc2go: #editor-wars

#sg.wars QuakeNet

Chat Room - 3 users - 152 minutes ago - current topic:
category: Singapore - network: QuakeNet  -  irc2go: #sg.wars

#moh.wars QuakeNet

Chat Room - 3 users - 152 minutes ago - No topic
category: Medal of Honor - network: QuakeNet  -  irc2go: #moh.wars

#cod2.wars QuakeNet

Chat Room - 48 users - 152 minutes ago - current topic: Donators & Admins now have only 30% chance of becoming team captains / Monthly ladder has been setup for 5vs5 SoloQ / New Head Admin - Saber / Pro Queue
category: CoD2 Computer Games - network: QuakeNet  -  irc2go: #cod2.wars QuakeNet

Chat Room - 2 users - 152 minutes ago - No topic
category: Netherlands - network: QuakeNet  -  irc2go:

#cod6.wars QuakeNet

Chat Room - 2 users - 152 minutes ago - No topic
category: CoD6 - network: QuakeNet  -  irc2go: #cod6.wars

#star Undernet

Chat Room - 2 users - 152 minutes ago - No topic
category: tar - network: Undernet  -  irc2go: #star

#kuro-star Rizon

Chat Room - 1 users - 152 minutes ago - No topic
category: tar - network: Rizon  -  irc2go: #kuro-star
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