Chat Rooms

Search chat rooms within the Internet Relay Chat and get informed about their users and topics! – Chat rooms on IRC are usually called channels. Use this IRC search engine to search in channel names and topics of around 500 IRC networks! Find interesting chat rooms and chat with people that share your interests!

 Related queries:  azeri (2)   tcp (11)   icmp (1)   azerbaijan (3)   ipv4 (15)  

Search for ssl azerbaijan chat rooms returned a total of 75 matching results.  Displaying 21-30...

#gotham DALnet

Chat Room - 2 users - 65 minutes ago - current topic: Welcome to #gotham - home away from home! [server] | 6667 & SSL/TLS 6697 - [website] - [discord] - [webchat]
category: Gotha - network: DALnet

#2600 2600net

Chat Room - 92 users - 65 minutes ago - current topic: | @2600 | @2600net | | 2600net support? /join #help | Channel Rules: | Hack the Planet!!! | TLS/SSL REQUIRED | FAQ: | <+JARVIS> hazeyez you shot a duck in 2.600 seconds! |
network: 2600net

#movies 420-Hightimes

Chat Room - 21 users - 65 minutes ago - current topic:  #Movies ::: Get all ya moviez here!!! For Chat join #HIGHTIMES-LOUNGE Were Recruiting!--[People who Share run Ads or xdcc lists PLEASE DO NOT request lists or files from people who don't run list or ads in the channel]-- Due to issues, #movies is now an SSL only channel
category: Movies - network: 420-Hightimes

#Kotamobagu AllNetwork

Chat Room - 4 users - 64 minutes ago - current topic: OFFICIAL CHANNEL Server IPv6/IPv4 : 6667-7000 (SSL :+9999)
category: Kota - network: AllNetwork

##pic Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 9 users - 65 minutes ago - current topic: The freenode PIC microcontroller community | Microchip TCP IP Stack v6 doesn't support pic18 anymore. For pic18, you must stay with 5.4x version. Version 6.x add support for ipv6 and bigger SSL keysize ( 1024bit on pic24, 2048 on pic32 ). Bad news is that version 5.x will not receive any new developement, only bug fixes, so, no ipv6 (for example) | Please help _unreal_
category: PIC - network: Libera.Chat

#wikipedia-en-accounts-unreg Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 17 users - 65 minutes ago - current topic: *IMPORTANT MESSAGE:* #wikipedia-en-accounts is now a private channel, and you have been REDIRECTED here because you are not one or more of these: 1) Identified to NickServ, 2) connecting via SSL, 3) Current, active member of ACC, 4) Identified to WMF. If you are here in error, need help, or have a question, please ping a voiced user.
category: Wikipedia - network: Libera.Chat

#yocto-channel-support Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 6 users - 65 minutes ago - current topic: To join #yocto you need to have SSL or TLS enabled when connecting to Also you nick needs to be registered.
network: Libera.Chat

#help Abandoned-IRC

Chat Room - 9 users - 65 minutes ago - current topic: Welcome to #Help. Network related help only. /msg nickserv help - /msg chanserv help - /msg memoserv help - /msg hostserv help - /msg botserv help ...SSL port +6697 - - IPv6 now supported - - - To reset your password ask in the channel
network: Abandoned-IRC

#ajuda BrasIRC

Chat Room - 4 users - 62 minutes ago - current topic: Bem vindo a rede - WebChat: - WebServices - SSL: +6697
category: Ajuda - network: BrasIRC

#hostsailor EFnet

Chat Room - 10 users - 62 minutes ago - current topic: - Dedicated Servers , VPS Servers, SSL Certificates. Locations - NL, RO
network: EFnet
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