Search for slackware germany chat rooms returned a total of 69 matching results. Displaying 11-20...
Chat Room - 8 users -
146 minutes ago -
current topic: Willkommen in ## ||| Charset bitte UTF-8 verwenden ||| GET SLACK @ www. (aktuell: stabil 15.0 (3. Februar 2022)) |||
Slackware Linux - because it works. ||| SLOW MOTION CHANNEL and only recyclable electrons are used!
category: Slackware Germany -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 7 users -
146 minutes ago -
current topic: Slackware BRasil - http://|Versao estavel:
Slackware 15.0, atualizado em Wed Jul 10 21:02:41 UTC 2024; Desenvolvimento:
Slackware Current, atualizado em Fri Jul 12 18:35:06 UTC 2024.
category: Slackware Brazil -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 18 users -
146 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to # - the channel for UK
Slackware chatter and help. Feel free to stick around and chat or ask questions - we'll reply as soon as we can, so be patient :) Remember to use your local mirror at: https:// The last -stable security update was on [2025-02-09] - updating is recommended!
category: Slackware England -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 1 users -
145 minutes ago -
current topic: www. |
Slackware{,64} 14.2 Released | http://www. | http://www.
category: Slackware -
network: Azzurra