Chat Rooms

Search chat rooms within the Internet Relay Chat and get informed about their users and topics! – Chat rooms on IRC are usually called channels. Use this IRC search engine to search in channel names and topics of around 500 IRC networks! Find interesting chat rooms and chat with people that share your interests!

 Related queries:  mmorpg (7)   role-playing (38)   nethack (23)   multirpg (27)   jenkins (11)  

Search for role-playing development chat rooms returned a total of 495 matching results.  Displaying 41-50...

#w3 QuakeNet

Chat Room - 7 users - 108 minutes ago - current topic: #w3: Web Development [Web Technologies] Modeling [3D] Animations [2D]
network: QuakeNet  -  irc2go: #w3

#dopewars EFnet

Chat Room - 19 users - 108 minutes ago - current topic: World of Dopewars (WOD) | In development | Drugs - Guns - Crypto - Battle
network: EFnet  -  irc2go: #dopewars

#Eggdrop EFnet

Chat Room - 37 users - 108 minutes ago - current topic: Latest stabile 1.9.5 - Download here: - - Development:
category: Eggdrop - network: EFnet  -  irc2go: #Eggdrop

#psxdev EFnet

Chat Room - 12 users - 108 minutes ago - current topic: PlayStation 1 Development Channel | PlayStation 1 Will Never Die |
category: Playstation X Development - network: EFnet  -  irc2go: #psxdev

#limnoria Undernet

Chat Room - 22 users - 108 minutes ago - current topic: Official channel for support and development of Limnoria, a Python IRC bot. ( ) ( )
network: Undernet  -  irc2go: #limnoria

#cappuccino Rizon

Chat Room - 3 users - 108 minutes ago - current topic: Official channel for playing with cappuccino. Spam the bot as much as you want, just avoid pinging people |
network: Rizon  -  irc2go: #cappuccino

#8/agdg/ Rizon

Chat Room - 4 users - 108 minutes ago - current topic: amateur game development general IRC channel || Check out the /agdg/ thread over on
network: Rizon  -  irc2go: #8/agdg/

#gizmonic_institute Rizon

Chat Room - 2 users - 108 minutes ago - current topic: Now Playing: [Chris Seaver] Mulva 2 - Kill Teen Ape (2005) -
network: Rizon  -  irc2go: #gizmonic_institute

#Hercules-Testers Rizon

Chat Room - 1 users - 108 minutes ago - current topic: Welcome to the HOST channel | Hercules Official Server Testers Channel |
network: Rizon  -  irc2go: #Hercules-Testers
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