Search for raspberry pi programming chat rooms returned a total of 179 matching results. Displaying 1-10...
Chat Room - 762 users -
48 minutes ago -
current topic: Programming/Computer Science Discussion & Community Chat | Be respectful and friendly. Full channel rules: https://libera- | Put pastes in a pastebin, e.g.
category: Programming -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 17 users -
28 minutes ago -
current topic: | General
programming assistance, beardy discussion and egotistical chit chat. | Long text? | Discussion of many languages, platforms, and frameworks. | Don't ask to ask; just ask! | Celebrating 15+ years of #
category: Programming -
network: SwiftIRC
Chat Room - 19 users -
48 minutes ago -
current topic: Come talk about all things technology!
Programming | Linux | Open source projects | Arduino | Security | IoT | SBC like the
raspberry pi | ARM devices | RISC-V | LLaMa | Your pet projects are at home at xroutine | This channel is being bridged with the matrix room :
network: Libera.Chat