Search for quassel weechat chat rooms returned a total of 46 matching results. Displaying 41-46...
Chat Room - 20 users -
134 minutes ago -
current topic: your client supports utf8 channel names, yay. | known good:
weechat, pidgin, hexchat,
quassel >= 0.13, AdiIRC (wtf?), TheLounge, catgirl, senpai, soju, ZNC, goguma, eggdrop (TCL_UTF_MAX 6), Revolution IRC, biboumi, matrix-appservice-irc (maybe?) | known bad:
quassel < 0.13, eggdrop (TCL_UTF_MAX 4), heisenbridge, ii
network: hackint
Chat Room - 15 users -
133 minutes ago -
current topic: Politics, religion, sex, all the FUN stuff! | Remember what you say is not only logged by
Quassel but by the memories of everyone involved forever. Be respectful. | Civility required, modesty optional | No trolling or obvious flamebait | bans are temporary but given out regularly | "Debian is a huge single orgy"