Search for python scotland chat rooms returned a total of 154 matching results. Displaying 21-30...
Chat Room - 8 users -
106 minutes ago -
current topic: Trouble joining or talking in any #
python and #
python-* channel? Ask here. | Idlers will be kicked | No ops around? Try asking #libera staffers for help. | #
python-offtopic is closed, there is an unofficial ##
category: Python -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 10 users -
102 minutes ago -
current topic: [!WELCOME!]Learn/Improve your
Python | We WON'T Write your code for you! [LEARN] PyLib: | Paste Code:
python | HAIL
Python 3.10!!! | GNU WORLD ORDER! | (lambda : "learn2codepls")()||<//3 revaa & Gizmonizmo & import|
category: Python -
network: AnonOps