Search for ponies technology chat rooms returned a total of 73 matching results. Displaying 41-50...
Chat Room - 19 users -
100 minutes ago -
current topic: Come talk about all things
technology! Programming | Linux | Open source projects | Arduino | Security | IoT | SBC like the raspberry pi | ARM devices | RISC-V | LLaMa | Your pet projects are at home at xroutine | This channel is being bridged with the matrix room :
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 4 users -
100 minutes ago -
current topic:, the channel where we don't talk about
technology, computers, and programming every microsecond of every day
category: Friendship -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 4 users -
100 minutes ago -
current topic: Recent Changes feed for | #miraheze for assistance and #miraheze-cvt for counter-vandalism | Stewards, Global Sysops, and members of the
Technology team are opped. Meta administrators may be either opped or voiced upon request.
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 2 users -
100 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to the n2n channel, here is the discussion of peer-to-peer VPN
technology. | source: | web: | 中文聊天QQ群:5804301
network: Libera.Chat