Search for Politics chat rooms returned a total of 191 matching results. Displaying 31-40...
Chat Room - 30 users -
current topic: 30 лет политическому кризису в РФ (20.09.1993 - 04.10.1993). | Игровой канал - #subword | Мы в TG:
category: Political Science -
network: RusNet
Chat Room - 181 users -
41 minutes ago -
current topic: English Wikipedia | Status: | Channel guidelines: | Need a chanop? Ask in #wikimedia-ops | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request>; for revdel, /join #wikipedia-en-revdel | No public logging | PM spam? You can enter '/mode <YourNick> +R' to avoid getting PMs from unregistered users | No off-topic
category: Wikipedia -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 29 users -
32 minutes ago -
current topic: Kick up your feet/paws/extremities, relax, and talk about stuff. |
Politics, religion, etc? -> #Adelie-Hot | This is not an Adélie dev channel, but our behaviour guidelines still apply. | <TheWilfox> hey I just built you, and this is crazy <TheWilfox> but here's my radeon, composite maybe? | <mc68030> i think the uptime is ... very, at this point. | <alyx> Twilight Sparkle x Itanium OTP
Chat Room - 25 users -
29 minutes ago -
current topic: (☞゚∀゚)☞ Welcome to LizardIRC | We are all systemd on this blessed day | LizardIRC Network Help: #help | It's apparently "Happy Birthday, Dumbass!" hour on #lizardirc | Discussions RE
politics, religion, social issues, etc. -> #the-quorum plz! | Get a basic cloak: /msg HostServ TAKE lizardirc/user/$account | RIP hubot - 20??-20?? | Teamspeak:
category: IRC -
network: LizardIRC
Chat Room - 160 users -
41 minutes ago -
current topic: Libera Chat | Linux terminal environment for Android | Register to /join | No flooding &
politics | offtopic: #termux-offtopic | rules: | Play Store release ( ) is unstable, report bugs | Packaging weirdness? Attempt `pkg upgrade` before other diagnosis steps
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 16 users -
25 minutes ago -
current topic: Russian-Ukrainian and Middle Eastern crisis. Share your thoughts. Meanwhile in 2025...
category: Political Science -
network: RetroNode
Chat Room - 2 users -
41 minutes ago -
current topic: [##austrians] economics without rulers | | What do we want from this channel? Discuss with apotheon. | all currencies, anti-
politics, business, counter-economics, free markets, principles of economics, qualitative finance, rational investment | Agorism 2024: Vote with your wallet. |
category: Austria -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 2 users -
41 minutes ago -
current topic: #MGCYOA community channel for OOC ventilation and airing of grievances, as well as discussion of
politics, religion, or other delicate subjects. Heated discussion and sensitive personal topics are okay here, but intently harassing or attacking others and bringing disagreements here into #MGCYOA are not. Know when it's time to walk away, cool off, and let things go.
network: Rizon
Chat Room - 45 users -
41 minutes ago -
current topic: So far without xihr overlord/cult. The inexplicable word salad will guide you towards natural self-discovery. Crackpot Index | Do you know the concept of not even wrong? | Take your trolling
politics discussions elsewhere! | don't be like this!
category: Physics -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 4 users -
23 minutes ago -
current topic: easter eggs are just aborted chicken babbys painted in drag for small children to worship
category: Political Science -
network: Snoonet