Chat Rooms

Search chat rooms within the Internet Relay Chat and get informed about their users and topics! – Chat rooms on IRC are usually called channels. Use this IRC search engine to search in channel names and topics of around 500 IRC networks! Find interesting chat rooms and chat with people that share your interests!

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Search for pok c3 a9mon role playing chat rooms returned a total of 88 matching results.  Displaying 41-50...

#kali Anynet

Chat Room - 7 users - 84 minutes ago - current topic: The Premier Solution for playing IPX Games on the Internet || <nabeshin> it's good to idle again
network: Anynet  -  irc2go: #kali

#wolfenbüttel IRCnet

Chat Room - 3 users - 83 minutes ago - current topic: | |
category: Wolfenbüttel - network: IRCnet  -  irc2go: #wolfenbüttel

#wolfenbuettel IRCnet

Chat Room - 3 users - 83 minutes ago - current topic: | |
category: Wolfenbüttel - network: IRCnet  -  irc2go: #wolfenbuettel


Chat Room - 4 users - 81 minutes ago - current topic: Official chatroom of the band FeedBak. You may speak with the band and other fans, but please follow the IRC rules... Type /rules to see them. | If Tama_Turntables or Surrealistic_DJ is on, the radio is up. Type !mp3 to see what's playing, !mlradio for a link to connect. -bottler -catcher
network:  -  irc2go: #FeedBak

#slawi DALnet

Chat Room - 23 users - 80 minutes ago - current topic:  Welcome back to slawi@dalnet | Type .uno (to playing uno's) | Have a nice chat & enjoy... | ~ تَقَبَّلَ اللّهُ مِنَّا وَ مِنْكُمٍْْ ~
network: DALnet  -  irc2go: #slawi

#unospot DALnet

Chat Room - 36 users - 80 minutes ago - current topic: Welcome To #Unospot Type !uno to play Uno. For Trivia Join #triviabox For Trivia. Keep Playing Games UNO Update Now you can join anytime during the game play by typing jo cheers! - Status: [ON] - UNO Bot Fixed!
category: Uno - network: DALnet  -  irc2go: #unospot

#sq DarkMyst

Chat Room - 4 users - 78 minutes ago - current topic: This is the OOC Channel for #trinsic || NEW SITE URL || Current Game: Expedition Paradise, Pathfinder, DM mainstreet, chargen depends on role in campaign
network: DarkMyst  -  irc2go: #sq

#DoggieComics DarkMyst

Chat Room - 4 users - 78 minutes ago - current topic: Welcome to Doggie Comic. Now Playing: MnM3e Mon:Omniverse: [] 7C | Tue:Skool 8:30C | Thu:Lone Heroes: [] 8:30C | Sun:Castle Greyhawk | Info: | Join #Dragonlance for OOC and #M&M for Coms News, TV, and Radio! | :( miss you.
category: Comics Dogs - network: DarkMyst  -  irc2go: #DoggieComics
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