Search for Philosophy chat rooms returned a total of 47 matching results. Displaying 21-30...
Chat Room - 5 users -
75 minutes ago -
current topic: Current events, politics, gender, race, science, economics, entertainment, history, religion,
philosophy, or any other type of knowledgeable discussion. | Beware of COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic | We are more active on Rizon server.
network: freenode
Chat Room - 30 users -
65 minutes ago -
current topic: Adélie Linux Dev Zone | ppc, ppc64, arm64, armv7, x86, x86_64 | Please stick around; replies may be slow. Discuss poetry and
philosophy while you wait. | Looking for a specific package? Check
Chat Room - 7 users -
75 minutes ago -
current topic: Please join this channel if you are interested in discussing stoic
philosophy. Quote: The poor lack much, the greedy everything. The greedy man does no one any good. But harms no person more than his own self. -Publilius Syrus
network: Rizon