Search for openstreetmap engineering chat rooms returned a total of 65 matching results. Displaying 41-50...
Chat Room - 140 users -
64 minutes ago -
current topic: Asahi Linux: porting Linux to Apple Silicon macs | Hardware / boot process / firmware interface reverse
engineering | WARNING: this channel (only) may contain binary reverse
engineering discussion | RE policy: (MANDATORY READ) | GitHub: | Wiki: | Logs:
network: OFTC
Chat Room - 137 users -
64 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to the science channel! | Rules: | Topics that are welcome: astronomy/biology/chemistry/computers/ecology/
engineering/geology/logic/mathematics/physics/etc | Please visit our sister channels, ##alerts ##weather
category: Science -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 36 users -
64 minutes ago -
current topic: lnd - the Lightning Network Daemon (http://lightning.
engineering/) - v0.16.4-beta is the latest release - - Go 1.20.7 is the recommended version - https://docs.lightning.
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 60 users -
64 minutes ago -
current topic: ð» MediaWiki
Engineering Team
Engineering_Group • For community support: Try #mediawiki about installing and operating MediaWiki yourself; Try #wikimedia-tech for questions about templates and tools for the Wikimedia movement. • Channel is publicly logged at
category: Mediawiki -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 19 users -
64 minutes ago -
current topic: Data
engineering, databases, big data, dataops, data warehouse, data lake, datasets: discussion and feeds | Resource: | Rules: Identify with nickserv. Stay on topic. No public logging. | Affiliated: #aws-news #blockchain ##machinelearning #ml-deploy #ml-news #pydata-news
network: Libera.Chat