Search for mythtv development chat rooms returned a total of 405 matching results. Displaying 41-50...
Chat Room - 7 users -
36 minutes ago -
current topic: Go to #srl for most of the chat, although everyone is of course welcome here | | Simba
Development & Question | Current Targets: Simba 1.2
network: Rizon
Chat Room - 6 users -
36 minutes ago -
current topic: Go To #/g/chad for an active programming channel | /gedg/ - Game and Engine
Development General | | | Froggy can't into IRC
network: Rizon
Chat Room - 2 users -
36 minutes ago -
current topic: A channel dedicated to game
development | Subjects: Storylines, Pixel Art (Sprites & Backgrounds), Audio (Chiptunes, SFX, BGM, etc), Programming (Asm, C, C++, C#, etc.) | Engines: Unity, GameMaker Studio, Godot, etc.
category: Games Development -
network: Rizon
Chat Room - 2 users -
36 minutes ago -
current topic: Function Office | Web Site: | Discord: | The not for profit organisation that raises awareness and promotes the
development of free/open source software by offering free support and services to those who wish to use such methods.
category: Office Fun -
network: OFTC