Chat Rooms

Search chat rooms within the Internet Relay Chat and get informed about their users and topics! – Chat rooms on IRC are usually called channels. Use this IRC search engine to search in channel names and topics of around 500 IRC networks! Find interesting chat rooms and chat with people that share your interests!

 Related queries:  sound (27)   folk (3)   hardstyle (2)   eurodance (1)   pop (14)  

Search for music sion chat rooms returned a total of 267 matching results.  Displaying 31-40...

#music Snoonet

Chat Room - 70 users - 66 minutes ago - current topic: Reddit music | bot: to register .l lastfm_username :: Now Playing: .l | If you need assistance, ask in chat or send a modmail from r/music's sidebar
category: Music - network: Snoonet

#music SorceryNet

Chat Room - 1 users - 66 minutes ago - current topic: Sorcery's original music discussion channel is back. Please enjoy and be kind!
category: Music - network: SorceryNet

#music-cafe TechNet

Chat Room - 7 users - 64 minutes ago - current topic: Welcome to #music-cafe on TechNet|This Channel is linked with relay to all my Channels across IRC|Enjoy it here!|
category: Music Coffee - network: TechNet

#music AIN

Chat Room - 14 users - No topic
category: Music - network: AIN

#music IRC-Hispano

Chat Room - 2 users - No topic
category: Music - network: IRC-Hispano

#mp3^aussie^music Undernet

Chat Room - 20 users - 83 minutes ago - current topic:  Everyone welcome Aussie or not! Albums Oldies Movies Trivia We have it! @find/!help/!rules/!trivia
category: MP3 Australia Music - network: Undernet

#music&love Undernet

Chat Room - 2 users - 83 minutes ago - current topic: Doesn't everyone love some music?
category: Music Love - network: Undernet

#music Undernet

Chat Room - 27 users - 83 minutes ago - current topic:  Mary Spender: Why Fame Is Overrated:
category: Music - network: Undernet

#/music/staff Rizon

Chat Room - 1 users - 83 minutes ago - No topic
category: Music - network: Rizon
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