Search for kingdom hearts role-playing chat rooms returned a total of 95 matching results. Displaying 21-30...
Chat Room - 1 users -
56 minutes ago -
current topic: 18+ ONLY An adult fantasy
role playing environment. The Temples of Ishtar, nuzzling the flank of the town of Nanthalion and the Temple to AdenVer - see for more information
network: SorceryNet
Chat Room - 2 users -
56 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to
Kingdom Hearts - Re:Genesis Auxilliary Plot Room. {}{} Game Status: Under Construction {}{} "Let us begin a new tale of heroes and the heart, of joyful times, and the Meaning of Life" {}{} Chapter 1: The Distant Lights in the Starry Sky - Page 1: Star Crossed Arri
category: Cambodia Role-Playing -
network: SorceryNet
Chat Room - 9 users -
75 minutes ago -
current topic: #1337 Leet (or "1337", also known as eleet or leetspeak) is an alternative alphabet system created primarily for use on the Internet. It uses some characters to be replaced by other characters,
playing on the similarity of glyphs through onomatopoeia or similarity. #1337 leet
network: freenode
Chat Room - 8 users -
75 minutes ago -
current topic: ClanBase - Made for gamers, by gamers - 1998-2013 - Thanks for
playing! Statement: | ClanBase Radio has rebranded and moved to #BAIT /
category: Computer Games -
network: QuakeNet