Search for jenkins computers chat rooms returned a total of 40 matching results. Displaying 31-40...
Chat Room - 3 users -
115 minutes ago -
current topic: Channel to talk about Tandy/Radio Shack
Computers | Tandy 1000, TRS-80, CoCo, Model 100, MC-10, 2000, 6000, etc | | Tandy is Grandé
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 5 users -
102 minutes ago -
current topic: LizardNet Development and Operations | Ask any questions related to LizardNet servers, services, etc. here. | LizardNetCodeReview == Gerrit bot,
jenkins-ci == LizardNet Continuous Integration build status and such | icingaServerMonitor in #devops-icingaspam
category: Development -
network: LizardIRC
Chat Room - 6 users -
97 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to #cybernews ð° - CyberNews - | Also check out CSN - | And THN - | Discuss any cyber news, cybersecurity,
computers, hardware, programming, software, and more! Please keep a civil tongue here. Enjoy your stay :)
category: News -
network: Snoonet
Chat Room - 4 users -
97 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to #Tech - Home of all things technological.
Computers, Electronics, Design, Art, Media. Be civil and understanding. Remember, people have different ways of doing things!
category: Technology -
network: SlashNET