Search for ICQ chat rooms returned a total of 22 matching results. Displaying 1-10...
Chat Room - 5 users -
117 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to #Trivia --- To Start the game type !ask --- to stop the game type !stop | Welcome to
ICQ-Chat. | For network assistance: /join #help | For more information try typing /motd for pic sharing or
category: Computer Games -
network: ICQ-Chat
Chat Room - 2 users -
117 minutes ago -
current topic: to start MrUno type !uno and to stop the bot type !stop Welcome to
ICQ-Chat. | For network assistance: /join #help | For more information try typing /motd for pic sharing or
category: Uno -
network: ICQ-Chat
Chat Room - 65 users -
120 minutes ago -
current topic: Bonjour ! Si vous avez une question (à caractère informatique et non illégale) posez là et attendez avec calme, politesse,... |
category: Computer Science -
network: EpiKnet