Search for friendship family chat rooms returned a total of 81 matching results. Displaying 11-20...
Chat Room - 8 users -
115 minutes ago -
current topic: ``%%,`%%,`% Welcome to #CagayanDeOro! The City of Golden
Friendship!%,`%%,,%%`` ( )
category: Cagayan de Oro -
network: Undernet
Chat Room - 36 users -
115 minutes ago -
current topic: Expect long latency (i.e. don't join, say "hi", and quit after one minute of no response!) | Discussion of the 6502, 65816
family of CPUs, peripherals and related hardware and software | ARM is on-topic too (don't tell anyone)
category: 6502 -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 557 users -
115 minutes ago -
current topic: not even the Unofficial RaspberryPi IRC channel, not even "Blessed" by the Foundation. Note:
Family Friendly chat please. Rules: Pi Stock:
category: Raspberry Pi -
network: Libera.Chat