Search for Currency chat rooms returned a total of 8 matching results. Displaying 1-8...
Chat Room - 4 users -
143 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to #BTC Bitcoin is a decentralized digital
currency and a payment system with no central bank or single administrator. You can speak Spanish/English/Portuguese. Gracias por tu visita / Thank you for your visit / Obrigado pela sua visita :)
network: QuakeNet
Chat Room - 3 users -
143 minutes ago -
current topic: "Join to discuss any Crypto
Currency News Etc, - Rules are no flooding, no shilling, no colours, no stupid ascii crap, no repeats/spam, NO ALL CAPS TYPING, no stupid behaviour, no illegal crap like CP etc.."
category: Cryptography -
network: Rizon
Chat Room - 1 users -
125 minutes ago -
current topic: /r/UKIP - "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein
Currency." | Absolutely, unequivocally nothing to do with #ukipparty | Jean-Claude Juncker voodoo dolls now on sale. |
network: Snoonet