Search for computers storm chat rooms returned a total of 46 matching results. Displaying 31-40...
Chat Room - 4 users -
105 minutes ago -
current topic:, the channel where we don't talk about technology,
computers, and programming every microsecond of every day
category: Friendship -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 3 users -
105 minutes ago -
current topic: Channel to talk about Tandy/Radio Shack
Computers | Tandy 1000, TRS-80, CoCo, Model 100, MC-10, 2000, 6000, etc | | Tandy is Grandé
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 2 users -
101 minutes ago -
current topic: Welcome to the home of the Eternal
Storm || The game which has gone through 3 redesigns, 5 recodes and i STILL didn't like it :p || Project Suspended Indefinitely
category: Storm -
network: ChatSpike
Chat Room - 4 users -
99 minutes ago -
current topic: This Channel was made BY a
Storm Lover, FOR
storm lovers, and anyone who wants to learn about hurricanes and tornadoes. DO NOT use bad language! I WONT TOLERATE IT! DO NOT cuss at, or harass chatters in the channel, or kick message! DO NOT kick founder, or ops! ENGLISH ONLY! DO NOT lie to me!
category: XChat -
network: DarkWorld
Chat Room - 2 users -
92 minutes ago -
current topic: #Wxchat This Channel was made BY a
Storm Lover, FOR
storm lovers, and anyone who wants to learn about hurricanes and tornadoes. DO NOT use bad language! I WONT TOLERATE IT! DO NOT cuss at, or harass chatters in the channel, or kick message! DO NOT kick founder, or ops! ENGLISH ONLY! DO NOT lie to me!'''' T
category: XChat -
network: LibraIRC