Search for Bouncer chat rooms returned a total of 37 matching results. Displaying 1-10...
Chat Room - 117 users -
current topic: "Trouble connecting to ZNC? Please update your host to:! for help with
bouncer! please type !help for more info! Offering VPS Rentals Type ! vps for more details on VPS! Need Support please contact us at! Staff is SplinTer, jrmu, Leia, VoidKrypt, moocow and Joker ! Check Weather type !w zipcode"
category: Programming -
network: IRCNow
Chat Room - 133 users -
91 minutes ago -
current topic: :3 | Netsplits are no longer common until I /squit | #off-topic for random conversations | Server linking may be considered if you're silly | ZNC
Bouncer: Not available at this time | irc.replirc.dn42 via dn42, fmuoubrfktqjgjq3cgw5m2qix7pjqptnsxojeie6xmezvjqkt7t2xzyd.onion via tor, port 6698/TLS+6668/plaintext clearnet
network: ReplIRC_Solanum
Chat Room - 3 users -
108 minutes ago -
current topic: Homematic Heimautomatisierung | vorab mal | heute waren schon 5 user hier, wenn sie nicht alle nach 10 Minuten wieder verschwunden waeren muessten wir wegen ueberfuellung schliessen ;-) Man kann auch nen
bouncer wie ZNC verwenden um staendig eingeloggt zu bleiben, was die Chance einen Gespraechspartner zu finden dramatisch erhoeht
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 29 users -
108 minutes ago -
current topic: Development/discussion about Heisenbridge the
bouncer-style Matrix IRC bridge | Test instance at provided by @jmh | | Quick deployment: | This room is plumbed to #heisenbridge on Libera.Chat
category: Bridge Heise -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 2 users -
108 minutes ago -
current topic: Einfach reinkommen, so wie ihr es alle kennt, in diesen kleinen, aber feinen Chan. Bei Fragen und Anregungen fragen sie ihren ChanServ oder IRCOperator. | An die Geister der 90ger: Dude]demi_la[ ist der
Bouncer von ThrawnX. Wenn ihr eine Nachricht hinterlassen wollt, einfach query den :)
category: Germany -
network: DALnet
Chat Room - 2 users -
108 minutes ago -
current topic: Topic: Well here we are.... || Follow me on Twitter: @RussellB91 || Need a
bouncer for this net or others? Check out #bnc4free and | Any questions for me? Leave them in the channel and potentially idle. The law of averages doesn't allow me to never sleep
category: Russia -
network: Libera.Chat
Chat Room - 14 users -
108 minutes ago -
current topic: <><><>Welcome to thunderIRC on DALnet - FREE
Bouncer type !help and follow the instruction, pls use your valid email - check for informations - email : - webpanel BNC find here<><><>
category: Storm -
network: DALnet