Chat Rooms

Search chat rooms within the Internet Relay Chat and get informed about their users and topics! – Chat rooms on IRC are usually called channels. Use this IRC search engine to search in channel names and topics of around 500 IRC networks! Find interesting chat rooms and chat with people that share your interests!

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Search for technology men chat rooms returned a total of 117 matching results.  Displaying 1-10...

#/g/technology Rizon

Chat Room - 161 users - 131 minutes ago - current topic: #/g/technology - AI ALLOWED, no more honest chatters making a decent living mining the words of IRC. this is all procedurally generated chat. | Brought to you by LIVE FEEDING IN PROGRESS RIP Zanthas
category: Technology - network: Rizon  -  irc2go: #/g/technology

##technology Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 1 users - 131 minutes ago - current topic: Technology!
category: Technology - network: Libera.Chat  -  irc2go: ##technology

#bi-married-men Undernet

Chat Room - 54 users - 131 minutes ago - current topic: Welcome to the channel! RULES: 16+, english on main, ads 10' apt. Be respectful, enjoy. ( )
category: Marriage Men - network: Undernet  -  irc2go: #bi-married-men

#technology Rizon

Chat Room - 1 users - 131 minutes ago - No topic
category: Technology - network: Rizon  -  irc2go: #technology

#/vr/men Rizon

Chat Room - 7 users - 131 minutes ago - current topic: All talk of CRTs and console/games up to 1999 is allowed. Dreamcast is included. Please read the rules: Funposting (and any posting) is allowed!
category: Men - network: Rizon  -  irc2go: #/vr/men

#wikipedia-zh-technology Libera.Chat

Chat Room - 5 users - 131 minutes ago - current topic: 維基百科科技群︰與Telegram群 @wikipedia_zh_science_and_tech 及Discord群77n7vnu (互聯。
category: Wikipedia Technology - network: Libera.Chat  -  irc2go: #wikipedia-zh-technology

#theburrow freenode

Chat Room - 3 users - 131 minutes ago - current topic: onwards and upwards, satellites whizzing over, northern lights blinding sheep who knows what technology the aliens have
network: freenode  -  irc2go: #theburrow
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